A high-end construction company, Slovack-Bass employs a completely client-driven philosophy to accommodate each homeowner’s needs, wants and goals. “Listening to our customers and learning their personalities are the most interesting aspects of the design process. We emphasize communication and believe building a home should be a lasting, pleasant experience. Outstanding construction quality, alone, is not enough. The journey for the clients must be enjoyable as well,” says John L. Bass, who with over 30 years in the custom home building profession, asserts that the foundation for success is established first in the interaction between all of the parties involved. “That initial step is a big one because it sets the tone and pace of a project,” he says.

Listening to our customers and learning their personalities are the most interesting aspects of the design process. We emphasize communication and believe building a home should be a lasting, pleasant experience. Outstanding construction quality, alone, is not enough.
“We create a close relationship with the homeowner, designer, architect and builder from the get-go, so that the client will reap the ultimate benefit. These relationships are essential in order for a project to be successful.” Highly organized, Slovack-Bass remains completely accountable to its clients throughout the process, obtaining written quotes from all of the participating vendors and subcontractors, and then discussing each decision with the homeowners. “We bring these projects in at an average cost with above-average quality,” says Bass. “Experience and talent go a long way in the type of homes we produce.”